Google and Jon Venverloh Pose a Threat to Democracy

American Intelligence Media Michael McKibben brings shocking documentation to Douglas Gabriel from information warriors outside of the Conclave. The documents show the connections of Google, the CIA, Salem Media, and a shadowy Deep State figure – Jon Venverloh. Shocking News about Salem Media and the CIA. . See the three PDFs below to read the … More Google and Jon Venverloh Pose a Threat to Democracy

Secret Message to all AIM Cats

American Intelligence Media Insiders know that the proper pronunciation for Mueller is Mew-ler, like the MULE face traitor he is. It is our ‘secret handshake’ using language. The opposition will insist the pronunciation is Muller because they don’t want you to think about Herr Mueller’s (Mew-ler’s) Nazi roots. Rep. Hank Johnson Accuses Republicans of Mispronouncing … More Secret Message to all AIM Cats

Karen Hudes Whistleblower: The truth about who we are resonates.

Publicado originalmente em My Blog:
Karen Hudes Whistleblower Page Liked · Yesterday ·  The truth about who we are resonates Sunday, April 21, 2019 The New Yorker‏ Influence is a challenge to sovereignty, both political and personal; to admit to being influenced is to give up the attractive idea that, as individuals or societies, we…

Karen Hudes: I am retweeting this because of the information about the Black Nobility, and also because it says these people “need to start as soon as possible to make amends, and we are all going to take into account, starting from now, what they are doing.”

Publicado originalmente em My Blog:
Karen Hudes 15 hrs ·  I am retweeting this because of the information about the Black Nobility, and also because it says these people “need to start as soon as possible to make amends, and we are all going to take into account, starting from now, what they are doing.”…

Karen Hudes: The Black Nobility.

Publicado originalmente em My Blog:
Karen Hudes 13 hrs ·  The Black Nobility … Name: infobatch Email: Subject: familial lineage control…….. Message Body: the powerful notabilities and families behind it all….true? disinfo? you research! ____________________________________________________________________ Top Houses and Bloodlines of The Black Nobility Top Houses and Bloodlines of the…

Karen Hudes Whistleblower: These central bank black nobility crooks are doomed.

Publicado originalmente em My Blog:
Karen Hudes Whistleblower Page Liked · 4 hrs ·  These central bank black nobility crooks are doomed … We are taking back our world from the corrupt Banking Cartel. “We” includes the world’s military powers minus the “brass”. I am allowed to speak for the coalition that is taking…

BRUSSELS BOMBSHELL: No extension without Second Referendum or Softer Brexit

Publicado originalmente em The Slog:
 DID ANYONE SERIOUSLY EXPECT ANYTHING ELSE? Blair “advice” to the EU fingered by Brussels source ? ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ Welcome to life as a vassal captive of the European Union. Acording to The Times this morning, the European Council will veto the spineless British demand for an Article 50 extension unless we agree either to a…

Esta é toda a pesquisa que colecionei sobre vacinas. TODOS ESTES ESTUDOS SÃO PUBLICADOS, ESTUDOS LEGÍTIMOS SOBRE O PUBMED, que é um banco de dados do governo.

Vacinas e Autismo http: //www.ncbi.nlm. http: //www.ncbi.nlm / pubmed / 21058170 http: // www / pubmed / 17454560 http : // pubmed / 21907498

UN Carbon Regime Would Devastate Humanity And The Environment

Publicado originalmente em Climatism:
DISASTER divided : Two countries, one island, life-and-death differences WITHOUT access to fossil fuels, every tree on the planet would have been cut down by now to provide for heating, cooking and industry. THE greatest threat to the environment is not affluence, it is poverty. BORDER between Haiti and Dominican Republic,…


Publicado originalmente em The Slog:
 Just when you thought that, if nothing else, we had control over the decision to extend Article 50, Barnier told key European press titles yesterday that it was inevitable…thus rendering at least two UK Parliamentary votes before March 29th irrelevant. Setting aside that unpardonable interference in our affairs, it is…

“This was a key moment that raised the Soviet sense of threat”: Declassified Documents Show Moscow’s Fear of an Afghan Flip: FRINFORMSUM 1/31/2019

Publicado originalmente em UNREDACTED:
The Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, 1979: Declassified Documents Show Moscow’s Fear of an Afghan Flip President Trump’s claim that the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979 to get rid of terrorists who were coming over the border is false, according to declassified U.S. and Soviet documents released through FOIA and posted…

THE BREXIT LESSON: As long as there is no common ground in Britain, we shall be divided and ruled

Publicado originalmente em The Slog:
 Today is a day for counting the numbers – and while numbers aren’t everything, they do count if we really are to become a Nation governed for the needs of the contributory Many. Ideologues of Left, Right, globalism and neoconservatism represent the contemporary narratives obeyed by most….but accepted by a…

Retreating ISIS army smuggled a fortune in cash and gold out of Iraq and Syria

Publicado originalmente em Triangulum Intel:
Source: Washington Post IRBIL, Iraq — More than a year after the collapse of its self-declared caliphate, the Islamic State is sitting on a mountain of stolen cash and gold that its leaders stashed away to finance terrorist operations and ensure the organization’s survival years into the future, intelligence officials…

O InfoArmor descobriu um servidor on-line mal configurado que continha números de identificação de contribuintes para 120 milhões de contribuintes brasileiros

Em março de 2018, especialistas em segurança da InfoArmor descobriram um servidor on-line mal configurado contendo números de identificação de contribuintes, ou Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPFs), para 120 milhões de brasileiros. Não está claro por quanto tempo os dados permaneceram expostos on-line ou quem os acessou. Todo cidadão brasileiro atribuiu um número de identificação de … More O InfoArmor descobriu um servidor on-line mal configurado que continha números de identificação de contribuintes para 120 milhões de contribuintes brasileiros

QUEBRA: Macron é acusado de traição por generais franceses Generais franceses acusam Macron de “traição” sobre o pacto de migração da ONU

Um grupo de generais militares franceses escreveu uma carta aberta a Emmanuel Macron acusando o presidente francês de cometer “traição” ao assinar o pacto de migração da ONU. O pacto, que foi assinado por 164 nações na segunda-feira, incluindo a França, não é juridicamente vinculante, mas engorda os derrames para que a migração ilimitada seja … More QUEBRA: Macron é acusado de traição por generais franceses Generais franceses acusam Macron de “traição” sobre o pacto de migração da ONU

Esta é uma coleção em expansão de documentos governamentais desclassificados sobre a política externa do Reino Unido .

O que esses arquivos e artigos revelam? Esses arquivos destacam uma série de políticas externas britânicas desde 1945, notadamente o envolvimento do Reino Unido em golpes, guerras, operações encobertas, abusos dos direitos humanos, exportações de armas, operações de propaganda e apoio a regimes repressivos. Eles destacam grande parte da verdadeira natureza do papel do Reino Unido … More Esta é uma coleção em expansão de documentos governamentais desclassificados sobre a política externa do Reino Unido .